
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Spice Rack Challenge - End of Year Addition

When we started off this challenge last January,  we had 33 bloggers along for the ride, and at the end, just one.   Karen at Prospect: the Pantry blogged about Winter Squash Risotto - Love the idea of sage leaves browned in butter.  I am going to try that for a topping for potatoes.  So many of the bloggers who started out out journey aren't even blogging anymore.   It's really easy to start a blog - it's more difficult to keep one going.   I am wondering if more people are deciding they only have time for Twitter, which I never seem to find interesting.   Anyway, thanks to all who participated and happy 2012!


  1. I couldn't seem to follow through with the Spice Rack Challenge this month.... maybe cuz I hate sage??? I certainly enjoyed the months that I participated! Love your blog!

  2. I dropped out quickly but still read along every month. And I agree with you about twitter - I just don't get it

  3. I dropped out early on. Mostly because of time. I also fell off the blog-wagon, but I'm back! At least for now. Hopefully I can make the time. Maybe I'll go through and make up the challenges I missed last year.

  4. Go Karen!

    I don't like sage, either. The only way I will use it is when preparing the pumpkin ravioli that I buy at the farmer's market, if I have some fresh sage leaves on hand. I 'fry' the sage leaves in butter, then use that to top the ravioli.

  5. Hi everyone. Sage can be tough to deal with since it's so piney but Tricia is right that fried sage takes away some of the oils and leaves the flavor. So does drying. I made a dried rosemary, sage and garlic rub that works well on pork, duck, chicken and potatoes so far.–-rosemary-sage-and-celery/
    Tames the beast. Happy New Year. Karen

  6. I did really well for awhile but the totally dropped off the computer. Not only did I not blog, I didnt even read my blogs. I am back now and determined to blog consistently this year! Thanks for hosting the challenge!
