
Sunday, October 02, 2011

Spice Rack Challenge Mustard Roundup

Try to remember the kind of September, when life was slow and oh, so mellow.....

My problem is I can't remember this kind of September, because it's never, ever been mellow for me.  It's when the year kicks back into high gear.  There's been no time for cooking or's all football practice and marching band and scouts and homework.   Evidentially that's true for everyone, because we had a very small turnout this month. 

jonski blogski

Tricia was very much mustard inspired....she tried out many recipes but the spicy corn with sesame seeds and tomatoes was her favorite and I wish corn season would last a little longer so I could try it.

prospect: the pantry

Beautiful colors are showcased in this delicious coconut chicken curry and Indian-style green beans with mustard seed

thinking out loud

Spicy horseradish mustard will deliver some warmth on a cold day


My old standby - deviled eggs.  They're great for potlucks....everyone loves them.

To catch us back up, I am going to announce the October challenge right's mace.   Mace is a spice made from the waxy red covering which covers nutmeg seeds. The flavor is similar to that of nutmeg, with a hint of pepper and a more subtle note.  It has a wide range of uses from desserts to roast meats.  Now that we're settled in to fall, I look forward to your posts from October 23-30.   Please help me by putting "Spice Rack Challenge: Mace" in your subject line. 


  1. Ooh - mace, huh? I'm going to actually have to buy some of that! By the Pound, here I come.

    re: my corn dish. The original recipe called for canned or frozen corn, iirc. Or maybe it suggested you could substitute it when fresh was not available.

    And finally, there's no link to Prospect: The Pantry in your post. But that gave me an excuse to go visit her blog and find all sorts of interesting things to read... :^)

  2. Just couldn't get it together for the September Spice Rack Challenge, but I am on board with October. I've never used mace, but I love nutmeg, so I'm sure I will enjoy using mace. I'm thinking scalloped potatoes.... warm and comforting.
