
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

5th Day of Christmas Frittata

By the 5th day of Christmas, the fridge is full of half eaten leftovers and veggies that are a little bit past their prime.  There is probably a flaccid potato or two complete with eyes growing in in the bin.   After a few days of eating rich foods and drinking lots of wine, there's probably a New Years Resolution forming in the back recesses of my mind...."eat more vegetables in 2016".  In addition, the college students are home from school, and my husband wakes up every morning after sleeping in asking "What's for breakfast?"  Enter the frittata!  It's a great way to clean out the fridge and feed a crowd.  .  It can withstand waiting around on the counter for those sleeping in. Plus, it's a really effective way to eat more vegetables.  Start on my resolution a little early.

A 10 inch well seasoned cast iron frying pan is the perfect cooking vessel for frittata; it holds the heat well and cooks the bottom and a quick run under the broiler finishes the top. The possibilities are endless....just use what is taking up space in your fridge.  Here's how I made mine this morning....


2 T. olive oil
1 cup potato, diced 1/2 inch  (remove eyes, but you don't need to peel it)
1/2 red pepper, diced
1 jalapeno, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 red onion, diced
1 c. diced leftover ham (optional)
a couple handfuls of whatever leafy greens you might have (I used kale)
1/2 c. water
salt and pepper to taste
6 eggs, well  beaten

Preheat broiler with oven rack in the center.

In a medium sized cast iron frying pan (or other oven proof skillet)., heat oil, potato, pepper, jalapeno and garlic and onion until onion is soft.  Add ham and stir until heated through.  Add greens and water and cover, cook until potatoes are soft, about 10 minutes.   Remove lid, and cook until water evaporates.  Add salt and pepper to taste to the vegetables.  Evenly distribute the veggies in the pan, and pour in eggs.   Cook on stove top until bottom is well set; then place the pan under the broiler until the top is also well set, about 4 minutes.   Serve with a side salad of greens.  Who says you can't have salad for breakfast?   It was always served at Selma Cafe....sure miss cooking there.

Here's to your 2016 resolutions....mine is to eat more vegetables!


  1. I once saw a movie where harrison ford played a new broadcaster. He explained how to make a frittata and how the wonderful thing about a frittata is you can add anything to it. I have made one or two since than. But I have never thought of using it as a vessel for my leftovers. What a wonderful idea.Thanks so much I will surely be trying it next time I have a random bunch of leftovers.
