
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Michigan, My Michigan

Like many Michiganders, I often find myself taking our fair state for granted.  We're always on the top ten list for something bad, i.e. we're obese (#10), we're unemployed (#5), we're victims of violent crime (#10), etc.  I want to start writing more about the good stuff we have here.  To start, I'm featuring some Michigan blogs I like:

Absolute Michigan  is "All Michigan, All the Time" - a collection of links, features, news and information about the state of Michigan made better every day by real folks.  I really enjoy the great photography of the many contributors.   How else would I have known about this tribute to the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald?

Damn Arbor describes itself as a blog about life, Ann Arbor, and life in Ann Arbor, written by "grad students, townies, and derelicts".  I enjoy it's local bent written from a tgwentysomething's point of view, like this post about catcalls from a young woman's point of view.

Mittenlit is about Michigan books and authors.  I have found many of my favorite Michigan reads here.   It inspired me to finally read "Anatomy of a Murder" and learn more about famed Michigan author John Voelker.

The Henry Ford blog  Readers of this blog know that I am a huge fan of the Henry Ford, it's right across the street from my office, and so I visit it several times a week on my lunch hour for a quick getaway.     I always learn something new reading this blog.   Check out the Michigan focused recipes.

Jalopnik edited by Michigander Ray Wert,  Jalopnik features daily automobile news and gossip for those obsessed with the cult of cars.  It's like People Magazine for us automotive engineers.   Where else would you go to find the top ten nerdiest ways to modify your car.

Look for more posts in the future about good things Michigan!


  1. Love that vintage postcard! I have some Michigan-centric blogs in my blogroll at Eat Local, West Michigan! Not all of them are specifically about Michigan but they are all written by bloggers on the West side.

  2. I love the postcard, too :^)
