
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Pop vs. Soda

In case you are wondering, I call it "pop"  What do you call it?  Please comment!


  1. Pop. My nephew from Tennessee thinks that's funny. "You northerners and your 'pop'", he says.

  2. I've lived so many places that I'm confused but I think when pressed I call it "soft drinks". I also seem to remember using "soda pop", maybe when I still lived in the Oklahoma-Arkansas area.

  3. And definitely when I was growing up in Oklahoma, it was grape soda, orange soda, cream soda, etc.

  4. I say "soda," because I grew up in northern California. When I moved to the Cleveland area in 1987, I learned there was another word for it: "pop." My new friends though I was weird because I said "soda." Even after 24 years in the Midwest I still say "soda."

  5. Pop until I moved to NJ for three summers. Then it became soda. It's been soda ever since - never went back to pop.

  6. Here in Michigan I call it pop. I snicker a bit to hear others call it soda it just sounds funny to me.

  7. Coke! Although I have a hard time saying it here in Michigan as the generic term. I grew up in one of those red counties (the 50% range) in eastern New Mexico, and we always said "want to go out for a Coke?" but nobody actually got Coca-cola (more likely a cherry-lemon-lime-vanilla-cream-sprite, at Sonic, while cruisin' the Main Street drag...)

  8. I've just found your lovely website while looking for a list of high pectin fruits. Your natural pectic recipe is really useful. I have been given a bag of grapes and want to make some chutney or jam with them - so your advice is really useful. Many thanks.

  9. I have just left a comment on your lovely website - am not sure whether it will come up twice! But thanks again for the information on natural pectin - this will be very useful.

  10. This is so interesting.

