
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Your garbage needed to feed the poor

Yes, you read that right! We're collecting wrappers and packages from products that will be "upcycled" – made into other products like this nifty tote bag sold at Target. Can you help? All you have to do is save wrappers for me. For each wrapper collected, we will get $.02 to support projects at St. Joe's in Dexter to feed the hungry, and we are trying to collect as many as we can by Oct. 1, 2009.

· Drink pouches – such as Capri Sun, Kool Aid, etc. Can be any name brand
· Snack bar wrappers – such energy, granola, nutrition, cereal and protein bars – that are plastic with a silver lining. Can be any name brand.
· Cookie package wrappers – any name brand, such as Chips Ahoy, Oreo, etc. Any name brand accepted.
· Candy wrappers – any brand, any size
· Any Kashi product package - wrappers, boxes, etc,. Anything made by Kashi!
· Bear Naked brand granola bags - only the Bear Naked brand, please
· Nabisco brand Toasted Chips bags – such as Ritz, Wheat Thins Toasted chips. Nabisco brand only, please

Email me at momskitchen at comcast dot net and I can add you to my list of wrapper collectors. When it gets close to Oct. 1, we'll arrange for a pickp of your wrappers. Don't live in Ann Arbor? Or even Michigan for that matter? Don't worry - we'll find a way to get them from you. I've been fascinated about the idea of six degrees of separation ever since I read this essay by Malcom Gladwell and the experiment by Harvard social psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s that came up with the idea of 6 degrees of separation, long before the Kevin Bacon game.

Thank you for helping feed the hungry and saving our earth.

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